Lizzy Anjorin Admits to Using Fraudulent Means for Canada Visa Fee, Stopped at Port of Entry

Former Nigerian actress Lizzy Anjorin has been caught in a controversy after reportedly admitting to using fraudulent means to pay her Canada visa fee. According to circulating reports, Anjorin was stopped at the port of entry in Canada due to irregularities in her payment method.

In a video shared on Facebook, a former associate of Anjorin, based in the United Kingdom, recounted that she was deported after being implicated in fraudulent activities alongside an individual named Desmond. The associate alleged that these activities led to her removal from Canada.

Watch the video here

Another video circulating online claims that Anjorin was detained in Canada after officials discovered that she used a fraudulent credit card to pay for her visa fees. She was confronted over the allegations, adding to the growing controversy.

Watch the confrontation video

In a separate video, Anjorin confirmed that fraudulent means were used in booking her Canada visa fee. This admission has further fueled debates online, with many questioning the full extent of her involvement.

Adding to the controversy, another report has surfaced about her husband, Lateef Lawal, being involved in land grabbing. According to a publication by Daily Post on February 9, 2024, Lawal has been accused of illegally taking over land, further raising concerns about the couple’s activities.